Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Back in a Week


I'll be preaching on Matthew 21:1-11 this Sunday. It's Palm Sunday and we'll focus on the Triumphal Entry story.

We'll start back to weekly posts next week, on Easter Sunday, as we start into the Beatitudes.

Use these weeks off to catch up on your memorization of the Sermon on the Mount.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

2-Week Break

While I plan to preach through the Sermon on the Mount for all of 2012, I strategically planned only 44 sermons in the series. I knew I would miss a few weeks and the church would have a few Sundays come up that could best be used in another way.

So, I won't post again until the week of March 12-19. We'll pick up in Matthew 5.

I would challenge you to catch up on your memorization of Matthew 5-7 over the next week and a half. Let's do our best to make this sermon a lived reality in our lives. Let's memorize it and live it!