Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"The Good Life" - Week 11

Week 11 - Matthew 5:5

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."

When is the last time you used the word "meek"? I'm guessing it wasn't lately unless you spend much time talking with friends about the beatitudes.

In fact, in the NIV translation, there are 4 times the Greek word translated as meek in Matthew 5:5 is used in the New Testament. Three times it is translated as "gentle." Only once is it translated as "meek."

Most people I've spoken with during the past week equate meek with weakness. We tend to think of a meek person as someone who lets people "walk all over them." But that doesn't exactly define meek.

But possibly the more difficult thing to understand is the reward given to the meek. They get the earth.

The earth? Couldn't the meek have gotten something better than the earth?

Perhaps we need to take a closer look at this beatitude. It's deep and the layers are numerous.

Study up and let me know what you think Jesus is getting at.

As you dwell in Matthew 5:5, here are a few questions to consider and comment on:

1) How would you define meekness? How is it different than weakness?

2) Who is someone in your life whom you would describe as the epitome of meekness?

3) What good is there in inheriting the earth? What does that challenge about your assumptions regarding the earth and eternity?

4) What are some of the ways that Christians (those committed to putting the kingdom on display) might seek to implement this passage in order to proclaim the good news in 2012?

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