Saturday, November 24, 2012

"The Good Life" - Week 29

Week 29 - Matthew 7:24-29

"The wise man built his house upon the rock...the wise man built his house upon the rock..."

Tomorrow morning I preach the final sermon in a year-long series through the Sermon on the Mount.

What a year!

And it ends on a note of challenge.

You have a choice.

Will you be a wise person?
Will you be a foolish person?

That's the choice.

What's similar about the wise/foolish person?
-Both experience a storm.
-Both hear the words of Jesus.

What's different about the wise/foolish person?
-The wise man hears the words of Jesus and puts them into practice.
-The foolish man hears the words of Jesus and does not put them into practice.

Jesus is calling us to practice what he has preached.

In Matthew 7:27, the sermon is finished, but the question is: Will it be done?

You'll have to answer the question.

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